

The best concise description of a split bamboo fly rod.

"a useful thing, beautifully made"
-Hiram Hawes

lørdag 9. mai 2015

Busy last month.

The same thing happens every year, April month surprises me with it's arrival, and it's time to make this winters bamboo rods ready for the upcoming season. And with three coats of varnish applied, the first rod is ready for the stream. So here are some pictures of the first rod out, a sweet little 7' 4wt based on a Payne 98 taper. I've used cork as the material for reel seat's on several rods and think it works great, cork is light, durable and will, when combined with a butt cap and sliding band, hold any trout reel firmly in place. Wrapping the guides I'm using primrose Gossamer silk, with one turn of Gossamer brown silk for the trim wraps.